Thursday, July 22, 2010

According to Arkansas people in New Jersey are dum

Found this on

With the rampant grammatical errors, atrocious spelling and lack of punctuation marks aside, I have some issues with this rant from Norma in Casa, Arkansas:

1. She utilizes the old "caps lock key" method of trying to convey her disgust and dismay over the whole situation.  And sure this method would seem appropriate... but for what reason does she take the time to unlock the caps lock key and spell out "New Jersey" normally in the title?

2. Maybe don't buy electronics from Jersey.  Just saying.  No offense to Jersey, but it's probably the last state I would think to purchase a high dollar item like a computer from.  I mean haven't you seen The Sopranos or Jersey Shore?

3. If the computer is broke and "trash", how the hell is Norma posting Ripoff Reports online???  I'm thinking, and this is just a guess here, Norma is probably not in the tax bracket where she can afford another computer.  So, evidently this piece of crap computer is able to access the web.  What else does she need it to do?  I'm pretty sure she's not running spreadsheets, designing websites or earning her online degree.