Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Videogames? What's this all a-boot?"

Oh, Canada.  You frigid, dual language speaking, universal healthcare providing, step-sister of the United States, you.  Apparently, you're new to the whole gaming world as shown in this article about a British Columbia man who reported an "ominous" conversation he had while playing against a Texas teen.

There are a few bits of evidence in the article that tells me that you're still living in the year 2002:
1. The article skimped on the details whether or not reporting the kid was justified.  If so, then praise should definitely be given to the "concerned citizen" from Canada.  But I'd like to know what sheltered game lobbies this B.C. gamer has been playing in where this was the first time he's heard something concerning.   Every time I get online there's always one schmuck who's spouting profanity laden, racist or homophobic remarks.

2.   The article states "The Port Alberni, B.C., resident was playing a video game online Thursday that included a chat feature, allowing participants to talk to each other."  I'm pretty sure in this day and age the majority of the world knows how Xbox Live works and the fact that you are communicating with other gamers over the system. You're not really divulging journalistic information if it's common knowledge.

3. Finally, why are you still using a stock image of an original Xbox?  The last Xbox game was released in 2008.  The Xbox 360, current console version, was released in November of 2005.  That has given you five years to dig up a new stock image.